Thursday, May 20, 2010

Would you like to fill out a 17-question survey about EUTHANASIA?



Please check off the box next to your choice.

1. What age group are you in?

 10-19

 20-29

 30-39

 40-49

 50+

2. What is your gender?

 Male

 Female

3. What religion do you practise?

 Christianity/Catholicism

 Muslim

 Hinduism

 Judaism

 Other : ____________________________

 None

4. What is your ethnicity?

 Oriental (Chinese, Japanese, Korean…)

 South Asian (Indian, Sri Lankan…)

 Caucasian (English, French, German…)

 African

 Other : ____________________________

5. Do you know what ‘euthanasia’ means?

 Yes

 No

6. Do you support euthanasia for the terminally ill?

 Yes

 No

 I do not know / It’s not of a concern to me

7. If you had a pet that was terminally ill or severely injured, would you put it down to end its suffering?

 Yes

 No

 I do not know / It’s not of a concern to me

8. Are you against suicide?

 Yes

 No

 I do not know / It’s not of a concern to me

Would you like to fill out a 17-question survey about EUTHANASIA?
1. 50plus

2. Male

3. Catholic

4. Caucasian English, Italian,

5. Yes

6. No

7. Yes

8. I don't know. (I won't say it's no concern)


T9.0 overdose

10. doctors, spouse or family

11. yes

12. pro choice

13 pro life

14 no

15 spouse or family(if no spouse)

16. no

17. No


Comments. To make sure your wishes are complied with. Get a living will.
Reply:1) 40-49

2) Female

3) None

4) American

5) Yes

6) Yes

7) Yes, have done it 4 times over the years

8) No

9) Painlessly - whichever method

10) I wouldn't call it suicide! The choice should be made by the person designated in the Living Will. If no Living Will, the spouse.

11) Yes!

12) Pro-choice

13) Pro-choice ONLY within the first trimester

14) No

15) Whoever steps up, I guess.

16) No

17) No
Reply:age: 20-29

Gender: Female

Religion: None

Ethnicity: Australian.

Euthanasia: Killing of things through needle or other means. Ending someone (human or animals) life.

Do i support euthanasia: In a way yeah. If you are in an immense amount of pain (physical pain) what is the point of living.

If i had a pet, i would definitely put it down if it was suffering - had to do it a few months ago. Your point is i guess that if you put animals down - why not humans?

Am i against suicide. Yes I am. People who commit suicide are often troubled and need help. Problems they go through can be fixed quite often. Just a rough patch they go through.
Reply:1. 30-39

2. Female

3. What religion do you practise? Christianity/Catholicism

4. What is your ethnicity? Caucasian

5. Do you know what ‘euthanasia’ means? Yes

6. Do you support euthanasia for the terminally ill? Yes

7. If you had a pet that was terminally ill or severely injured, would you put it down to end its suffering? I have done it.

8. Are you against suicide? No

9. In your opinion, would you prefer to end your life painlessly with an overdose or by unplugging the life machine life (passive ou active)? An overdose of medicine (actif)

10. If a patient is incapable of making the choice to go through an assisted suicide, who should make the final choice? The spouse

11. If the patient had previously made a written decision that s/he would prefer death if they got a terminal illness, should one respect their decision? Yes, s/he had made their decision before.

12. Regarding euthanasia, are you pro-life or pro-choice?


13. Regarding abortion, are you pro-life or pro-choice?


14. Do you consider suicide (assisted, or otherwise) to be murder? No

15. If the choice is made, who must end the life of a patient?

The spouse

16. Should the person who assisted the patient in commiting suicide go to prison? No

17. Should the government have an influence over the final decision? No

train horns

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