Thursday, May 20, 2010

I did a survey, about 10 per-cent have read the Bible completely. How many R&S atheists have read it all?

Be honest! I'm talking about from Genesis to Revelation, without missing a word?

I did a survey, about 10 per-cent have read the Bible completely. How many R%26amp;S atheists have read it all?
For your information, it is quite possibly for someone to have read the entire bible from cover to cover, and then after careful thought consideration and study of the book. to decide they do not believe the bible. Additionally it is possible to have once believed in what the bible says and then to later on decide that you do not believe that the bible is true and is the inspired word of the one true god or the church that he founded.

I have read the whole entire Roman Catholic bible, both the Old and New Testaments, and even took the time to compare it to the King James version and the books that had been removed from the Protestant version because they weren't considered to be inspired by God.

Technically, Im not an atheist, I just dont believe in the bible. I am actually an ecclectic pagan now, and I am more happy and fulfilled than I have ever before been in my life because I am finally giving myself permission to be a human being.

I came from a very religious family and was even in a convent for some time. I read the bible from cover to cover 4 times. That was more than enough for me to decide that I saw too many inconsistencies within it to believe it was God's inspired word. Though of course that is not the only reason I no longer practice the faith.

Yes, I have heard the old addage, that only a true believer can properly interpret the bible and all that, but that in my opinion is just a simple cop out for the fact that a lot of the thing in the bible such as a man who was clinically dead having risen from the grave just cannot be explained and have to either be taken on faith, or rejected.

There is also the problem that we have been waiting an

awful long time for Christ's return. Having the world on the verge of ending is a really good way to keep the church financially secure.

Also, Christians are very notorious for not living what they say they believe, and how many people have been killed in Christianitys attempt to take over the world? How many Pagans were burnt at the stake for heresy and witchcraft? How many totally innocent mentally ill people died back

then as well?

People never do evil so cheerfully and which such enthusiam as they do then when they do it in the name of religion. Just look at the Crusades for an example of this.
Reply:I have... I also read the Book of Mormon and several other religious texts.
Reply:I've found that a lot more athiests or similar peoples have actually read the bible, at least out of the people I know. With how prevalent Christianity is in the US though, I hope the number of both Christians and Athiests is over 10%, even if you don't believe it, it's a good read, from a historical, religious, and understanding standpoint.
Reply:I have. Several times in fact. I have also taken a very serious study course on the origins of the bible, taught from a christian perspective. I would match my knowledge of the bible with almost anyone here in this forum.
Reply:I have, at least three times, cover to cover. Takes less time than a Harry Potter book. It seems to me more Atheists than Christians have actually read the Bible. Why is that, I wonder? :]

EDIT: Zen Pirate, I know, right? It's like faith is a decoder ring. :)
Reply:I have. Not in one sitting, and not in order, but I've read the whole thing.
Reply:OK, I guess you can't count me. I've read about 80% now.

Somehow, I don't think the other 20% is going to convince me.
Reply:I've read enough of it to know there's a lot of crap in it.

God should've hired better writers.
Reply:People don't become athiests without knowing what they're not believing in. Any person who has seriously studied history and religion with any sense or ability to recognize logic knows that all religions are made up in the minds of men (or women--most likely men). I've read the Bible from start to finish and have understanding for those who believe in it even though I consider them to be misguided. I've also read the Koran, the Book of Morman, the Book of Buddha (I'm not sure it's called that), and have studied other religions as well. All believers say that their religion is the only one largely based upon what they were taught to believe as a child. They can't all be true. I can't say that I'm an athiest because I believe in spirituality which is not connected to any organized religion. I don't believe that there is a heaven or hell--I believe that when I die, that will be it. I have no problem with that and feel great peace to know my relatively insignificant and yet important place in the universe. There is no scientific evidence that there is an afterlife. Those who don't know that faith is equivalent to wishful thinking are fooling themselves; I can't understand why they would want to do that. In the meantime, I believe in morality that is based upon what is good for mankind in general. That means doing what I can do to unselfishly promote harmony and mutual respect for everyone especially including those who disagree with me.
Reply:I don"t consider myself in that light --- of being a "atheist", or really being anything else by a "name".

Yes --- I have done a great deal more than read the Bible from front to back.

The Bible was only part of a heavy research effort on my part in my quest some years ago in trying to find God.

Do not consider only the Bible --- it is but a part of the whole.

Reply:I'll admit I skim the begats stuff but I've read the Bible in book like fashion cover to cover twice. I have looked at isolated parts and passages many times. I used to be a Christian and had the Bible taught in many Sunday school classes and took a weekly Bible study class in high school then studied wider scholarly research outside the stuff that is just confirming what those in the religion want to hear. I love that answer that says you have to believe in order to understand, typical religious logic.
Reply:I'm an Atheist who has read the Bible twice all the way through.

I have also taken classes in college on World Religions.

Religions are very interesting.
Reply:It isn't what a person reads that matters; its what they apply from what they read.

All the atheists here agree, they read it and they are still atheists. So.....

I am a believer. I've read it at least 6 times through and some parts much more than that. But, it isn't what I read that counts. It is what I do that counts. I live my life in relationship to Jesus Christ. His love kept me alive after a childhood of horrible abuse. I will follow Him until I die. Even if I couldn't read, I could still follow Jesus. I enjoy reading the Bible, but I enjoy Jesus Christ's love more than the Book!

edit: atheist4, hell exists because God gave man free will and God won't force anyone to go to heaven against his will - so where else would someone go if they don't want to be with God. Don't blame God, I doubt He likes the place or wants anyone to have to be there.
Reply:I have. Twice in my youth. I have also read "Asimov's Guide to the Bible" twice a few years ago. That is a book that all should read.
Reply:I've read it cover to cover twice....which is why I'm firmly in the Atheist camp

Memorized a few books of it. Translated most of I John myself too.
Reply:I have read the Bible cover to cover twice in my lifetime. Two different versions. I find the newer versions easier to read. Read various chapters daily on the web.

Best Wishes
Reply:10 percent of what? The Christian population? I'm sure it's less.

Haha. I'm an Atheist, and I've read the Bible all the way through twice. So, checkmate.
Reply:I've read every single word of it, and I was bored sh!tlless the whole time. The advantage is that Christians can never sneak up on me with an obscure verse that helps them to win the debate. I always have a vague idea of what they are talking about and can usually serve up a counter-argument within a minute or two - and don't they get p!ssed-off when I do? How is possible, they wonder, for an atheist to know his way around the bible so well. Where's God when you need him?
Reply:Yea I read the bible completely and there are so many flaws when the person tried to make this all up.

1. Why would Jesus make a place like hell if he died for us. By dying for us it shows he cares about every single person so that makes no sense.

2. Another reason why the religion doesn't make sense is you give money every week to the church. Where does that money go? Into the pockets of the owners of the church.

3. Your religion is a big fake get over it. By the way there are other reason but I don't feel like typing them all.
Reply:That's a good question. I have read much of the bible - possibly all of it completely. But it's not the kind of book you could sit down and go cover to cover. (or is that why I'm an atheist... nah)
Reply:I have. Quite a few times actually.
Reply:yes i have i was a christian and have read it many times, i try not to comment on things i know nothing about.
Reply:11 times through. More if you count the bits read here an there at other times. Children's books are always good for a smile.
Reply:I read it cover to cover when I was trying to convince myself about 5 years ago. I now consider myself agnostic.
Reply:your survey was for America only?

Well, i have read it twice. Once in English, once in Arabic.

Iam a true Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ.

Good Luck!!
Reply:I have. More than one version of it. Not lately though. I'm not an atheist anymore, but I still don't understand a lot of stuff.
Reply:Read it twice from cover to cover. On top of that I had seven years of parochial school with church six days a week to pick through the thing numerous other times.
Reply:I have.

Took an entire summer when I was a teenager.

Reply:If an unbeliever had really read the Bible completely, they'd have certainly come across 1 Corinthians 2 where it says that only believers can understand and properly interpret the Bible.

used shoes

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