Monday, May 24, 2010

What is the source of the recent global survey on countries presenting the greatest threat to world stability

About a month ago I heard several newscasts talking about a recent global opinion survey which asked which countries were the greatest threat to global security. In this survey the US was ranked as one of the greatest sources of global insecurity. Does anyone know the source of this survey or how I can see more details?

What is the source of the recent global survey on countries presenting the greatest threat to world stability

several of the studies are done by Economist Intelligence Unit, Amnesty International, and studies done by the UN

The US has several things that make it the worlds greatest threat by the criteria of the study, and other things that make it peaceful.

Things the US has going for it, is that it's relatively friendly with most of it's neighbors, that it has a higher respect for human rights than some other countries, and is politically stable... comparatively.

But things that make it the biggest threats is our weapons product and exportation. That we spend more on defense than any country on the planet. (

And finally the biggest thing is that we stick our noses in more peoples business that anyone can measure, both politically and militarily.

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