Sunday, November 15, 2009

Survey : What do you think about cloning - is it good or bad and why?

For a food source, sure clone as many fish or sheep as you like. People should not be cloned. Sure we can create a person, but who will provide that person with a soul?

Survey : What do you think about cloning - is it good or bad and why?
If Angelina Jolie was cloned a few Million times over, then there will be a few Million very happy men on this earth.

If Robert Mugabe was cloned a few times over - there will be nobody on this Earth.

I think Cloning for say agricultural purposes ie Creating the best tasting Chicken to eat - is not bad, but cloning of Humans can cause endless problems - It will make some people very powerfull and this power will be abused.
Reply:There are way too many people on earth. We can't even produce enough food to feed everybody. As it is we are putting so much pressure on nature and now they want to clone people and prolong lives. Don't you think that if you have kidney problems it is natures way of "weeding out the weak"? It nature it is survival of the fittest but we think to believe that we can prolong lives and over populate the world and everything will be okay.

If they can clone plants and seeds that is for the good of the whole of mankind then yes by all means go ahead. But cloning for the benefit of 1 person is against nature.
Reply:This is a hectic one ,Cloning and cell manipulation , i think is good in certain instances , like cloning of plants (CB Seed in PTA clone many veggies that are of good quality in order to maintain top quality seeds for new crops) , certain live viruses to be used as vaccinations (Bioclones SA, in Centurion clones and manipulate, bacteria, viruses and cell cultures for medical use), etc , im all for technological advances ,Imagine with one of your cells , they can "grow" you a new kidney or liver , etc , no need to worry about your body rejecting it , etc, but like anything in life , there will always be some who wants to use these technologies for self interest....
Reply:I dont really know....

I havent really thought about it, though for years I wished I'd had a twin sister. You might know that I was carrying twins last year and lost one when I was 2 months prego. I dont know how I would've managed with two Rebels in my life... the other already had a name (Obokile to with Rebokile) so it would've been Obie and Rebie... :)

A bit of me wishes I would've somehow cloned the other and had two sons to drive me up the wall, but what happened was intended so by God and one need accept. Nowhere is it written that it is wrong (right?), so as long as its used to make more good people... hey, who would mind? I would sure beg for my late brother to be cloned so I could have more time with him. Though i am a bit guilt ridden for wishing it... I mean, maybe its wrong... I'm confused.

But if you ask a mom who lost a baby and was given the opportunity to have him back...?

Anyway, I cant say whether it is bad or good...
Reply:I think cloning is wrong, and call me insensitive, but I also think the whole process of using cloned pieces (like creating a new heart / lungs / kidneys etc.) is also wrong.

We are interfering in things far Greater that what we can begin to imagine.

There is a circle of life, survival of the fittest.... and until we don't fully understand the whole system, we should not be meddling with it.
Reply:To be honest I don't really know so much about it but from what I know I don't really agree because we are now interfering far to much with nature and how things are made. We humans are becoming for to clever for out own good.

But then again it's not a bad thing if it's going to cure things like cancer etc etc.
Reply:I am against cloning anything but for trying to attempt to clone extinct species, like the Cape Lion, Blue Buck etc. I think with cloning humans people are trying to be God and that is against my religion. There is too many people on this earth, we really do not have to clone more, any way who is really good enough to clone anyway?
Reply:I am with ZXCV

I think its fine in the sense that we have a long list world wide of people that need vital organs i.e Liver Kidneys and etr.

Maybe we can find a way of regenerating nerve cells which would be great news for people in wheel chairs.

That way it will be possible to do a brain transplant which will mean we can live forever all we do is transfer bodies.

The people that say its playing God.

How do they know if its not God's plan for us to clone.

Its just another form of reproduction innit.
Reply:Cloning for me is a no go. It is like playing God. This is one part where humans must stay out and we should not interfere with nature.
Reply:Honey I am against Cloning,I am Cathloci for me it's wrong to interfere in Gods
Reply:I agree with Gene. Clone food, but never people. Each one is uniquely precious.
Reply:I think its better to be in testing level.........

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