Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Survey ~ How do you feel about grown adults who still throw temper tantrums???

They need a slap

Survey ~ How do you feel about grown adults who still throw temper tantrums???
Like throwing their toys put of the pram kind of tantrums? They need to go to bed early without any tea.
Reply:Define a "Grown adult" I think the definition is "emotionally repressed by self" A good old temper tantrum is a pure thing that is socially unacceptable.

So in much the same way you have to applaud someone who takes their clothes off at a big sporting event, you have to admire someone who goes against social etiquette and chucks their rattle from the pram ;-)
Reply:u mean only children do that.. all do as a matter of fact to get what they want if they r not getting it in normal way..
Reply:They're hilarious. Good free entertainment for the rest of us. What I can never work out is why are they always the ones who ARE in relationships.
Reply:I think they'll end up having a stroke (like a hateful boss of mine years ago) if its a regular thing with them.
Reply:your describing me... its normal im sure
Reply:I don't think of them as real humans.
Reply:Sometimes sh!t happens, it's normal as long it's not 24/7!!!!
Reply:i like a good temper tantrum now and again
Reply:If others do it it's childish, but if I do it it's justified :-)
Reply:Its a major turnoff.

Shortly after the temper tantrum they begin to smash and throw things.
Reply:I feel the same way about adults as I do children who throw temper tantrums, I can't stand them, they are spoiled brats.
Reply:I call them Childish adults.
Reply:If they do it in public then they need to grow up. But everybody needs to let off some steam in private.

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