Sunday, November 15, 2009

I need to make a simple survey on how teens nowadays think about social issues.?

1.Bullying at school

2.Idolizing Celebrities

3.How aware of STD and pregnancy



You don't have to respond to all of them, but you can answer the questions even though you are not a teen yourself. just put your sex and age at the end of your response(s).

Tell me what you guys think about how teens act, affect, or think to the listed items above.

Thank you all!

I need to make a simple survey on how teens nowadays think about social issues.?
1. Bullying is wrong. Going through public school up until this year, I have been the target of numerous bullies. Even though I don't think that the self esteem issue is all it's cracked up to be, bullying really brings you down. Depending on the way you work and they type of bullying, you can get really messed up. A favorite trick of bullies is to bombard a girl with insincere requests for a date or declarations of love. This seriously messes up a persons head to where she has a hard time telling when a guy is serious because that line has been used so many times before. Pressure can also build up and you can end up hurting someone innocent. I know that last year I got my adopted brother in trouble because I asked him to help me deal with a bully. He didn't do any thing bad to her, but he got in trouble and still could get in more trouble, because despite whitnesses, she said he was molesting her. And, though he and I and someone who didn't even know about the her got in trouble and she got off scot free. So, I say that bullying is horribbly wrong and is a larger problem than anything else in schools.

2. I don't idolize celebrities, and I don't pay attention to gossip about them. The only ones that I think are even cute are Kevin Bacon and Judd Nelson when they were younger. I think that if that floats your boat, fine with me, and I don't have a problem to them having money because this is a free market and if they want that life and can do the work for it, they deserve to have it, but personally I think they should be less of a media issue.

3.I know all the risks, but that's partly because I read anything that comes my way. At my school, most people have a pretty good idea of the effects of premarital sex. I've only had one pregnant girl in the two public schools that I've been in, and she was waiting to turn 18 to get married to her boyfriend. I think that it really depends on the area that you live in, and wheather the school wants to spring for sex ed.

4. I don't have a problem with homosexuals. One of the people that I admire most is flat out gay. She cannot perform with a guy, but that dosn't effect her ability to be a wonderful person and great role model. Several of the guys in the school I am in now are bi, and nobody really cares. However, both my dad and adopted brother are fine with lesbians but are very uncomfortable around gay guys, and my mom and sister are fine with gay guys but are uncomfortable around lesbians.

5. It depends. I think that date rape drugs, estacy, that stuff is the worst form of horrible and should never have been invented. I think that drugs(here meaning any drug that dosn't have beneficial medicinal use) are stupid and you shouldn't use them. I think they should be leagalized because if they are, you can tax them, controll the flow a bit more, and pull a lot of ground from under drug kingpins. I personally would rather slit my wrists than take drugs because I can't stand being out of my own controll. I think that anyone doing drugs deserves a Darwin award, even if by some miracle they haven't died yet. But, several of my friends don't see eye to eye with me on this issue.
Reply:1 50%

2 75%


4 0%

5 100% not to be taken any moment.

Male, Adult
Reply:well i am an older adult...female...who works with teenagers who mostly have whacked parents...i would say bullying still sucks and people fear it like they did when i was a kid 25 years ago...idolizing celebrities has always been around and i think it's a way that young kids can try to fit in and relate in a more clean good are much more aware of STDs then back then because it is in your face more...whether it be through school...more kids having sex earlier perhaps...TV..newspaper..HOWEVER..they still don't think anything bad can happen to them like young people have always thought....homosexuals i believe are more accepted because it is more out there as well and not so quite anymore about it..and drugs ..well they were around back then but in were bad too...and it seems like it always goes around in full it's real bad stuff out there..and everyone's on it or talking about it..then for awhile it wasn't so it seems everyone is addicted to meth or crack or heroin...and the kids nowadays also get weak to peer pressure as always

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